Open SourceSoftwareXRap

XRap on Sourceforge!

By February 24, 2009No Comments

I needed some more space for storing each version of XRap, as I ran out of space on my previous account and had to take down some older releases to make room for the newer.  I am pretty sure some of you have noticed some dead links.  My solution, open up an account at Sourceforge, and start posting all my code and releases there.  There was a ton of options, and setup procedures to endure, but I guess if you want people to find your work, and understand what it does then you must.  I have updated all the deadlinks to point to the XRap download page on Sourceforge.  I hope to document more of the work and changes that I put into XRap on Sourceforge, and I will continue posting How-to’s on what I have been learning on my blog.

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