XRap has been making use of a great program called WiX, which is used for packaging applications to deploy on the Windows platform. The only…
Joshua DoodnauthJanuary 24, 2009
Well its been a long time, a lot of reading, and a lot of learning (JavaScript and XUL), but I've managed to finally change over…
Joshua DoodnauthDecember 13, 2008
I've been thinking for sometime on a poll to create, and finally after a post I made a couple weeks ago on the new Star…
Joshua DoodnauthDecember 12, 2008
I thought it was impossible to run a program outside my XUL app, mainly because of some kind of JavaScript restriction. There are client-side restrictions…
Joshua DoodnauthDecember 4, 2008
Found two little functions in JavaScript to create a GUID function S4(){ return (((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0).toString(16).substring(1); } function guid() { return (S4()+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+S4()+S4()); } Thanks to sj at…
Joshua DoodnauthDecember 2, 2008
Writing files in XUL isn't that much harder than reading a file, in fact its very similar. What a relief. In my example I am…
Joshua DoodnauthNovember 26, 2008
While it may not be very interesting to the average Internet user, Lunascape may intrigue many web developers. Basically its a Web Browser capable of changing…
Joshua DoodnauthNovember 25, 2008
After some weeks of procrastination and going nuts over other projects, I’m getting back to XUL and my XRap program. I’ve been asked to change…
Joshua DoodnauthNovember 25, 2008